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Name: Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services 
Abbreviated name: AJPES 
Registered office:  Tržaška cesta 16, 1000 Ljubljana 
Year of formation:  2002 
Person in charge: 

Tomaž Klemenc, director

Members of the Council of AJPES:

Gregor Korošec, chairperson

Ema Mišić, vice-chairperson

Janja Božič Mrzel

mag. Jelena Zupan

mag. Vesna Zupančič Klarič

ID VAT number:  SI14717468
Identification number:  1732803
Activity code:  84.110 - General public administration activities 
Transaction account:  0110 0600 0000 314
IBAN:  SI56 0110 0600 0000 314
E-mail address:  fo?`iodr-rh - Head Office
hmen?`iodr-rh - Information for Users
Telephone:  00386 1 4774 100
Fax:  00386 1 4259 770

AJPES is a legal entity of public law. AJPES was founded by the Republic of Slovenia.

The following persons are in charge of providing the publicity of work:

  • chairperson of the AJPES Council  for the field of work of AJPES Council
  • Valerija Ažman, univ. dipl. oec for the field of AJPES work
  • heads of branches for the field of work of individual AJPES branches.

For providing any information of public nature, Valerija Ažman is in charge in AJPES.       

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