FAQs - Landlords
Accommodation facilities, classified by groups, include:
- hotels, motels, guesthouses and restaurants;
- camping sites;
- holiday apartments - bungalows and summer homes;
- rooms;
- farms with accommodation facilities;
- marinas.
Categories are assigned a star-category, except for agritourism farms, which are assigned a certain number of apple symbols. A accommodation facility category is valid for 5 years (for accommodation facilities ranked by authorized critics) or until a change of categorization (for accommodation facilities ranked by the operators themselves).
Rankings of up to three stars or apples can be determined by the owner, landlord or farmer providing the relevant services at the accommodation facility by themselves, by applying the standard stipulated in the Appendix to the Rules On Categorization Of The Accommodation Facilities
Where the category evaluation concerns:
- a four- or five-star hotel or camp,
- a four- or five-star superior-rated hotel,
- a four-star motel, guesthouse or restaurant,
- four-star apartment - summer home or bungalow,
- four-star room or
- four-apple farm with accommodation facilities,
the category of the accommodation facility must be determined by an (independent) evaluator.
Categorization of accommodation facilities is mandatory.
A landlord may fill out the categorization forms manually or via the electronic accommodation facility categorization system which features an easy, step-by-step procedure for assigning the relevant category. The electronic categorization system is available on the website of the Slovenian Tourist Board (available only in Slovene).
The relevant documents, evaluators registry and other information is available on the Ministry of the Economy (available only in Slovene).